How to use Facebook Events to get people to your shows

10 rules for creating effective Facebook Events

Facebook pages seem to be less and less useful these days for promoting music, especially when we’re talking about your average independent band that doesn’t want to drop a bunch of cash just to reach fans that have already liked their page.

But one aspect of a Facebook page that IS still useful is the Facerbook Events feature. Since Facebook pages are public, you can use your Facebook Events to announce shows, get people excited, and encourage fans to share information about your band with their friends.

Here’s a few things to keep in mind when you create and moderate a Facebook Event:

1. You MUST have an event photo — Peeps love pictures. An awesome picture for the event will help bring the show to life in the imaginations of your fans. Events that don’t have photos or images get ignored. Don’t get ignored.

2. Give them ALL the info — Contrary to conventional web wisdom, less is NOT more when it comes to the description of your event. Why is this show important? What are you looking forward to most? How will your fans be able to help make this a really special concert? Any new …read more

Source: The DIY Musician