The 2 Reasons People Don’t Click on Your Buttons … And How to Overcome Them

Buttons are cute, and they’re charming. You can’t be scared of a button.

These are the words of Joanna Wiebe, whose delightful presentation on buttons at Authority Intensive resonated with data-backed usefulness.

And she’s right. No one is scared of a button. Yet, people choose to not click on your call-to-action buttons all the time. Costing you conversions. Costing you money.


And what can you do about it?

I invited Joanna, Conversion Copywriter for Copy Hackers, to be the guest on this week’s episode of The Lede so she can answer these two questions for you …

Because Joanna has the answers and the data to back them up.

In this episode, Joanna and I discuss all of …read more

Source: Copy Blogger