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#YesAllWomen Campaign Hits Twitter After U.S. Shooting (Global Post)
A campaign on Twitter denouncing misogyny has gathered thousands of followers after a bloody rampage in California by a 22-year-old virgin, Elliott Rodger, who said he was motivated by hatred of women. The hashtag #YesAllWomen was launched to allow women to share stories of misogyny in the wake of Rodger’s assault on Friday in Isla Vista, near Santa Barbara, which saw him kill six people before taking his own life. ABC News The campaign’s point is that while not all men are guilty of crimes to women, all women are affected by misogyny. It was reportedly launched by a Twitter user named @GildedSpine. The New Yorker Rodger was crazier and more violent than most people, but his beliefs are on a continuum with misogynistic, class-based ideas that are held by many. And that is why #YesAllWomen is moving and needed. Rodger earned the fame and infamy he wished for through his act of violence, and now everyone can read about his grotesque ideas. CNN Since it started, there are tweets about rape, feminism, harassment and women’s rights with the same hashtag. “There was a familiarity in that language that really hit home for a lot of women who live with this implicit threat of danger all the time,” the founder of THEli.st, Rachel Sklar, told CNN. “There is just an extra layer of danger implicit in being a woman that this really taps into.” Re/code In related news, YouTube has removed a video uploaded to its site by Rodger before the shooting rampage. The video, titled “Elliot Rodger’s Retribution,” depicts Rodger sitting in a car, facing the camera, and declaring, with …read more
Source: Social Times