Have you ever wanted to tackle a problem, but become overwhelmed by the complexity inside your organization? It could be the internal politics, or the complex organizational structure, or the barriers within your corporate culture or simply that the problem is huge and solving it isn’t going to be easy.
Don’t worry.
You aren’t alone.
We’ve all been there.
I have some good news for you.
Your Organization’s Complexity is a Story You are Telling Yourself
Complexity is just a story. And that story is a lie. We hold onto these stories with passion. We don’t want to believe that we are the problem. We want some external force or factor to hold the responsibility. These are all lies. Many times complexity becomes the excuse we use to hold us back from doing something really great. We tell ourselves, “It’s simply too complex to navigate through the various ________ (fill in the blank) in order to do ________ (fill in the blank). “
Complexity is an easy out. And it is usually backed by insecurity. Many of us simply don’t have the confidence and perseverance it takes to get to a solution. It’s not that a solution isn’t possible.
“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction.” – Albert Einstein
If you don’t believe me, take a look at some of the great break throughs and innovations from our lives.
- The internet
- Social networking
- Wi-fi, Bluetooth
- Smartphones
- The first draft of the human genome
- Stem cell therapy
- Turning water into fuel
- Growing organs from a patient’s stem cells
- Building a reusable rocket that could get us into space
That’s just a short list. Do you think any of the problems these innovations solve isn’t complex? Heck yeah, they are complex. There were various challenges …read more
Source: Social Media Explorer