How To Release Music As An Independent Artist (Infographic)


Hi, my name’s Josh. I’m a rapper/producer from Atlanta, GA, and a music business graduate from Loyola University of New Orleans and I was asked to do a presentation for Fort Lewis College in Durango, CO on How To Release Music As An Independent Artist. It’s mostly from an EDM/Rap perspective, but I figured it would be beneficial for everyone to learn from. Some of the details are missing since I explained it to them in person, so if you have any questions or anything here needs to be corrected, please post them, and I’ll be sure to reply to all of them so we can disuss further. Thank you and enjoy! If the image is too small to read, right-click, open the image in a new tab, and then zoom in.

How To Release Music As An Independent Artist (Infographic)

How To Release Music As An Independent Artist (Infographic) – MTT – Music Think Tank.

Source: How To Release Music As An Independent Artist (Infographic) – MTT – Music Think Tank