Social sharing is an extremely high-volume stream, and many consumers place great importance on recommendations from peers. To wit, Offerpop has created an infographic outlining a strategy to help you drive sales with user-generated content.
Social media users upload 350 million photos to Facebook, they generate 500 million tweets and post 55 million photos to Instagram every single day. To tap into that potential, Offerpop’s strategy has three steps.
- Incentivize customers to post about their purchases on social sites.
- Promote a sweepstakes across all platforms, from social to in-store.
- Collect the stream of user content (with permission, of course).
Once content has been aggregated, Offerpop suggests brands feature the content on their website, providing links back to the content through social, which should drive more site traffic and sharing. And there’s a very good reason to run this kind of campaign: Brand engagement increases 28 percent when consumers are exposed to user-generated content and professional content at the same time.
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Source: Social Times