By indie rapper Kosha Dillz (@koshadillz).
I have been seeing some things come about in recent weeks that show me how to increase your level of publicity without having to do anything with music. As always, I try to think outside the box in terms of marketing, so let’s try and put our heads together on how we can take our career to the next level without the music. The industry folk like to say it’s all about the music…but is it really?
1. Lose 20 – 30 pounds
Not for nothing, but next press release you will have a picture that people will look at and say damn, you’re doing great. You look good. When people think you are attractive, this is a great thing2. Travel for 8 months to a foreign country to get away
During this time you can update your fan base with pictures of beauty and keep people in suspense about when you are coming back. Maybe you’ll even tell them you are never coming back. When you do, you’ll be a new person with new experiences and totally different material. The band Tennis sailed on a boat for 9 months and wrote an album.
3. Video blog aka Vlog
I recently started street performing and came across a group of guys named Kevin Brueck and Roman Atwood and Vitaly. They all have millions of subscribers from YouTube and inspired me to start blogging. Although I haven’t released a ton of material musically, I have created already 20 blogs on my YouTube channel and see a constant increase in fans who subscribe to me. It’s still me being creative but not much more than just having fun.4. Run a Fundraiser
I feel like so many people are concerned with what they can get for releasing good music. In all reality, …read more