One term that gets thrown around quite a bit in social media best practice advice is ‘authenticity’. Experts highlight the need for your brand to have an ‘authentic‘ voice, to have an ‘authentic’ and real presence through your social media profiles. This is definitely true, authentic is the way to go, but what does that term actually mean? How do you develop an authentic voice for your brand?
Here are three things to keep in mind when establishing your brand voice, in order to communicate with authenticity:
1. Understand your brand mission
This is the seed from which your social media presence can grow – you have to understand who your brand is, what your brand does and what its mission is in order to guide how you interact on social platforms. For example, your brand may be a clothing retailer, and your starting point might be ‘We sell functional clothing at affordable prices’. But that’s not a mission statement, that’s what you do. So from there you need to ask ‘Why is that important?’
Source: Social Mediopolis